South Carolina Cotton Board

Mission Statement:

The mission of the South Carolina Cotton Board is to increase profitability of South Carolina cotton producers through research, promotion, and education using funds provided by South Carolina cotton producers.

Board Members

District 1

Darlington, Clerendon, Georgetown, Lee, Sumter, and Willaimsburg Counties
Pete Player
Bishopville, SC
Sam Durant
Manning, SC
Gil Rogers
Hartsville, SC

District 2

Chester, Chesterfield, Dillon, Fairfield, Florence, Horry, Kershaw, Lancaster, Marion, Marlboro, and Richland Counties
Frank Rogers
Bennettsville, SC
Keith Allen
Latta, SC

District 3

Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Cherokee, Colleton, Dorchester, Edgefield, Greenvill, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Spartanburg, Union, and York Counties
Carl E. Brown, Jr
Aiken, SC
John W. Hane
Ft. Mote, SC


What does your $1 per bale assessment buy?

Fifty-five cents is delegated to the National Cotton Council for supporting policies for progress in the cotton industry. As cotton's voice in Washington, D.C., the National Cotton Council has been primarily responsible for including positive ideas for cotton in farm legislation, and for obtaining appropriations for the Boll Weevil Eradication and Cottonseed Oil Assistance programs, as well as assisting with funding other significant research projects.

Fifteen cents goes to Southern Cotton Growers, Inc., a non-profit corporation authorized to transact business in all the southeastern states. The Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association, Inc. is the single certified ginner organization in the southeast authorized to name ginner delegates to the National Cotton Council and appointment of Directors to the National Cotton Ginners Association.

Thirty cents goes to the South Carolina Cotton Board which works for you here in the Palmetto State. This supports the promotion of cotton in the state, as well as Clemson University's continued research and development for South Carolina cotton producers. Steps are being made on cotton varieties, pesticides, and agronomic practices so that cotton will once again be “King” in South Carolina.

The South Carolina Cotton Board pays dues so that all cotton growers in South Carolina are members of the National Cotton Council and Southern Cotton Growers.

Facts And Figures

A bale of cotton weighs 488 pounds.
Here are a few of the everyday items that can be produced from one bale.


Bed Sheets


T- Shirts


Mid Calf Socks


$100 Bills

Cotton Production in South Carolina


Total Acres


Total Acres


Bales Produced


Total Lint &
Seed Sales

SC Cotton Gins & Warehouses

Contact Us

South Carolina Cotton Board
P.O. Box 11280
Columbia, SC 29211